Major Companies that stood out to me that Time Warner owns: HBO, HBO On Demand, Adult Swim, Cartoon Network (I still love Tom & Jerry)CNN, Fashion Tv, and CW Network.
Major Companines that stood out to me that News Corp owns: Just about anything that involves Fox Entertainment, several local news stations in various cities, New York Post,,, and Wall Street Journal.
Major Companies that stood out to me that Disney owns: ESPN, several local Radio Stations, Global Children's Magazines, and ABC Studios
I notice that Time Warner has the most synergy forms than the other corporate firms. The network and cabel system had the most extensive synergy when it came to this firm. Many of its corporations were merged with countries outside of the states. For example: HBO has a network that is internatioally known. HBO Latin America, HBO Central Europe and so on...
News Corporation owned many local television and radio stations.
Disney owned many network stations and film annd theater.
All three stations owned many television or radio stations. Many of them are spreaded throughout the world. Major coroporations such as these and its many synergy forms creates more media content that is known, in most cases, globally. I feel that synergy can result in over exposure of media because there are many firms within the corporation which can be a little repetitive sometimes. You can find most of the content in other forms of media owned by the corportation, but I know they do this just to increase their revenue. I feel that it can be both a good thing and bad thing. I feel that these other forms of media can be a bit much when it comes to the content, however it is needed because corporations cannot function in large media. I feel that it would be chaos if they were to operate like this. Breaking it down to smaller firm is, although I hate to say it, better for the business while increasing growth.
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